Exodus Rifles

In Exodus 9:16, God tells Moses to give the Pharaoh on his behalf. Part of the message reads, “But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” No product can make any human being like God, of course. With that said, Exodus Rifles may be able to imbue you with some of the power of a world-renowned marksman. Here is some information on this rising star in gun manufacturing.

The Champion Behind Exodus

Exodus Rifles Inc. is the creation of northeast Florida native Joe Walls. His bio on his Precision Rifle Series simply states, “The Peoples Champ,” but the nickname is hard-earned. He is one of the top competitive shooters not just in the United States, but in the world. As Precision Rifle Blog points out, he “usually finds himself at in the top 5 at any match he shoots,” demonstrating “commitment and absurd consistency.”

Walls applies those same values into his original builds with Exodus Rifles. His wealth of experience gives him an intimate understanding of the needs of rifle enthusiasts and a strong appreciation for the art of gunsmithing. He constructs each and every one of his company’s custom weapons with his own hands, and he always reflects that knowledge. More and more people are bringing an Exodus Rifle to their matches in the hopes that using a gun made by a top gunman will lead them to victory.

The Rifles Themselves

If the Exodus Rifles homepage is anything to go by, Walls emphasizes a few different aspects of rifle design when creating his builds. Chief among them is accuracy, that all-important trait that pros like him seek in their weapon of choice. Walls' competitive record shows that his own accuracy is greater than almost all others in the scene, and his designs reflect his expertise. This may be why they bear the name of the Old Testament book that features the Plagues of Egypt — what one might call the original precision strike.

Of course, accuracy is nothing without function, and Walls’s rifles are also optimized for usability. Whether you are in the wild or on the range, you can load Creedmoor or Lapua ammunition into the gun in no time and get into action. On top of all this, Walls also pays attention to his designs’ “looks.” Exodus Rifles are not just accurate and functional, but also good to look at. These three factors combine to create an impressive machine that is already gaining ground in the world of competitive shooting.

Exodus Rifle Barrels on OTM Tactical

You can reach out to Walls himself and discuss specifications for a custom rifle. However, if you want a sample of his smithing style, you can try some of his Impact 737 action prefit barrels through OTM Tactical. We are a committed partner of Exodus Rifles, and our inventory currently includes three different models of the brand’s barrels. Take this unique opportunity to try out a rifle designed by a true professional.

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